Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Legislature's War on California Citizens and Common Sense

First, a preliminary update. We have finished most of the time investment for a current, important project for our family. As a result, I will now have more time to get the website up (and working) and work on getting the message out at

In the meantime, please consider supporting

Also, did you know that our insane California Legislature is considering banning plastic bags? According to the environmental nutjobs, these bags will stay in landfills for hundreds of years. (How do they really know, by the way?) Well, if that is true, let's ban iPADs, iPODs, and iPhones. Think of all the plastic Apple is producing! While we are at it, let's just make everything in stone.

What a nightmare! The legislature has vendetta against the working and middle class. Not all of us can drive hybrids, eat gourmet meals, and go to fancy wine bars in San Francisco everyday.

Some of us just need to run our businesses, feed our families, and not have another tax ( to pay for the bags) or hassle (to bring our own bags!). These people considering this bill are true snobs, probably don't have children, and removed from the cares of the average citizen in California.

If they pass this bill, God help us. What is next?

P.S. Ever notice how these insane ideas are set to go into effect in the future, so that the current legislators don't have to be there when the mess occurs?

Monday, July 19, 2010

Another Update . . . And Comments about Meg

Hey, I have been busy, with a move, full-time job, and working on some other very pressing projects. Now, though, I'll be able to go through the paperwork to get some merchandise available at (Unfortunately, my sister has not been able to help out as much, but that is life.)

A few comments before I go: I saw an updated budget number for CA and it was a deficit of $41 billion dollars . . . great! How is that even possible?

Also, concerning Meg Whitman, she seems like a likeable and reasonable, fiscally conservative candidate. However, if she was truly interested in meaningful change in CA, she would also advocate a part-time legislature. Even if she was the best governor ever (and we had the same hope for Arnold), things would likely reset to chaos once she was out of office. This is the only thing we can do for substantive and lasting reform.

Also, in case you needed another reminder, please send some money to!

Friday, June 25, 2010


We have been out of commission due to some business and family issues, but we are rededicating ourselves to get the message out. Given that supporters of a part-time legislature missed the mark for ballot qualification, it looks like this is going to be a very long battle.

Accordingly, the best thing you can do for your state and community is support in their long battle against Sacramento!

Another important note: While we have the stickers available at, please know that we are not shipping any until I have the time to fix the online cart and, believe it or not, go through the bureaucratic process to be permitted to sell stickers in California, which is utter madness. Is it any wonder that California was once the 5th largest economy in the world and has dropped to 8th in the last few years?

Friday, February 12, 2010


We are making progress on, slowly but surely. Right now, we have the bumper stickers that are available for purchase.

Unfortunately, our cart for purchasing items is not as streamlined as I would like, so we are working with our hosting company to improve this. Additionally, I am getting a quote from a graphic artist to improve the appearance of the site. Included with this retrofit will be links to, the John and Ken Show (KFI 640 AM), Howard Jarvis, etc.

In sum, it is a lot work.

Again, I would encourage you to sign the petitions at and to financially support their work. I can't imagine how hard it is to take on this beast.

I enjoyed John and Ken's comments about Jerry Brown today. If you didn't hear them, go to their website and listen to it . . . pretty funny.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


A lot of great news for my sister site,

The car decals--okay, bumper stickers--should be on their way shortly and available for purchase.

Also, I will be hiring my talented sister full-time, who has a merchandising and retail background, to assist with getting the website up and promoting the materials. Primary focus: getting a Facebook account and getting those t-shirts made. Unfortunately, I'm too busy with work, other projects, and family to get this going as fast as I would like. Also, my sister is very talented and efficient.

Finally, I just saw that linked this site, who are the leaders in this drive to reform California government. So, a big thank you to them.

It may take some time, but I think joining together, we'll be able to shake up Sacramento.

Again, please keep checking into this site,, and

Thursday, January 28, 2010


In addition to and listening to John and Ken on KFI 640, I would encourage you to also visit:

Why would I encourage you to visit it? Well, I started it. Since I have a full-time job and significant family obligations, it is taking more time than I hoped. However, please keep checking in with this blog and visiting Thanks.

P.S. I just heard that the California Senate passed a bill for universal healthcare for people in California. I guess they did this because a $20 Billion deficit was too small. I can't wait for free ponies and cotton candy as well and maybe they'll pass a bill mandating that we are to always have sunshine and rainbows everyday in CA? Again, please visit

Sunday, August 23, 2009


As this blog moves forward, I"ll have to be careful to keep it a little independent and not just a ghost version of the John and Ken show page. Anyway, I am so pleased with the John and Ken Show, and their really relentless battle against Sacramento excess and their reckless legislation. Here John and Ken are having their millions of listeners call their representatives to oppose this early release.

With all these reckless and irresponsble measures, it is almost like Sacramento is asking for the part-time legislature. Really, the timing is perfect for fundamental reform. So, if you haven't already, please visit this site: and, well, listen to John and Ken on the radio or on KFI 640's website.